The Bugle Online Magazine
Monthly magazine for Lowestoft, Beccles, Bungay, Halesworth, Southwold and surrounding villages!
A local independent small business
Tel: 01502 578 074 Email: the.buglemag@yahoo.co.uk
Bugle Disclaimers:
What’s On page submissions
Submissions for inclusion on the What’s On page are invited on condition that inclusion is subject to editor’s discretion and/or available space and may be edited if considered by the editor to be too lengthy.
What’s On guide is for the sole purpose of assisting local fund-raising events that are not professionally staged or incorporate outside paid advertising campaigns.
Note: On many occasions the page is over-subscribed and therefore the only way to guarantee an event is included within the pages of the magazine is to place a small ‘paid for’ advert.
Articles & Editorial submissions
We welcome articles and stories from local writers on the understanding that they may be edited for available space and unnecessary and/or inappropriate content. All material is accepted on the understanding that it is copyright free. The Bugle Magazines accepts no liability for any subsequent copyright issues. The Bugle Magazines cannot accept responsibility for views expressed by contributors.
The content of Bugle Magazines (and website) does not necessarily reflect the views of the editor or publishers and are the views of its contributors and advertisers. The digital edition may include hyperlinks to third-party content, advertising, or websites, provided for the sake of convenience and interest. The publishers accept no legal responsibility for loss arising from information in this publication and do not endorse any advertising or products available from external sources. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the written consent of the publishers. All rights reserved.
The Bugle Magazines does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of claims made by advertisers. Distribution area may vary at the discretion of The Bugle Magazines. No part of the magazine or this website may be reproduced without the prior written consent of The Bugle Magazines.
What’s On listings are for local fund-raising events only.